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About Me


I am Chelsea McCrae I am a recent graduate of Muskingum University. While there I studied Digital Media Design and Minored in English and Communication.  I am interested in layout design. I also have an interest in graphic design. This website has examples of work that I have done in classes that I feel are examples of what I have learned and the skills I have gained through these experiences. I have taken classes and had an on campus internship/class that helped me gain experience and learn new skills. I have examples of posters I have made for the programming board I am involved. I started gaining interest in this type of work in High school I loved my High school art class and the projects we did, which included printmaking. I also became interested in this work when I worked with fellow classmates in highschool on a digital magazine. This was my first expereince with InDesign. I am starting a three month employment opportunity at Wright Patterson Airforce Base.

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